Community, Youth, Veterans and YOU!     


     Community, Youth, Veterans and YOU!      *

Charity, a Cornerstone of Our Everyday

To do Charitable deeds has long since been the principle driving force of the Elks for over 150 years. Elks looking out for their fellow man has been recorded in our history since our earliest of days. 1889 the Elks were there when the town of Johnston PA was wiped out from a flood. They were the first organization on the scene for the 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco. The Elks were there even before the first doughboys in WWI funding and equipping medical hospitals for the incoming U.S. soldiers. And to this day the elks have been there to help out in any way needed.

Elks are only second to the Federal Government to giving out Grants to high school seniors.

Veteran’s programs of today such as the GI Bill were actually created and started by the Elks even before

the United States Government.

Some of the Great Groups and Organizations 53 Helps Out

  • The Ability Center of Greater Toledo

  • Sara's Garden, Hope Help and Healing

  • Wood County Sheriffs Department

  • Sylvania Fire & Rescue

  • Put-In-Bay Police Department

  • Local Schools Public & Private

  • Mom's House of Toledo

  • Sylvania Family Services

  • Planned Perhood Inc.

  • Ohio Elks Cerebral Palsy Fund

  • Ohio Veterans Home Sandusky Ohio

  • Little Blessings Veteran Outreach

  • F.O.P. "40" Charities

  • American Red Cross

  • E. N. F.

  • Boy Scouts Eagle Scout Program

  • Sylvania Prevention Alliance

Youth Involvement,

in “Our” Community.

From the youth will grow our future leaders, and the Elks are here all along the journey.

Elks run Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, The Antlers Program, The Dictionary Project, “Student or Teenager of the Month” And “Student or Teenager of the Year”, Elks and Scouting as well as Girl Scout & Eagle Scout Recognition Awards, Junior Golf Program, Junior ROTC Awards Program & Drug Awareness Program. Yes, there is More, much More.

Scholarships for high school seniors second only to U.S. Federal Government

A Little History of “53”

Locally founded in 1886, our lodge first met in in what was known as Memorial Hall (dedicated to the veterans of the civil war) yet in only a few years they moved many times in the “downtown” as it were. Many are not aware that they were one of the first occupants of the Valentine Theater. The father and son Ketcham who built the Valentine were actually early members of 53. But growing pain continued, and the first Elk owned lodge was built on Michigan Ave. Directly across from the Mc Kinley monument years before it was ever erected. During these times many of the famous citizens walked through our doors, Roger Bresnahan (MLB Hall of Fame), Casey Stengel (MLB Hall of Fame), Danny Thomas, Dr. Edward J. McCormick (past Grand Exalted Ruler BPOE & Head of the A.M.A) to name just a few. Time moved on and so did the Elks, moving up the road to near the Art Museum where the Elks would continue into the 1970’s. A short term on Secor Road brought us to our current home these last 40 year on Holland Sylvania Road.

Contact us.

(419) 841-6653 - OFFICE

(419) 841-6654 - LOUNGE

Banquet Rentals (Call Lodge Office Number for contact information)

3520 North Holland Sylvania Road
Toledo, Ohio 43615

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